TIL - Automation cherry-picking process

Khanh Nguyen • August 19, 2019


Use case

Sometimes, I want to cherry-pick all merge-commit from a branch. For example, I have a feature that has been developing in feature/xxx and this branch has been merge to develop by multiple PRs.

Now, I want to release this feature/xxx to master. What should I do ?

1. List out all merge commit from feature branch to develop

I ran the command below to get all the commit hash

khanh in ~/project/x on develop > git log --first-parent --oneline | grep feature/xxx
43501043 Merge pull request #757 feature/573 into develop
2189c7dd Merge pull request #756 feature/573 into develop
15196ecd Merge pull request #755 feature/573 into develop
fa50af01 Merge pull request #735 feature/573 into develop
b3c729e8 Merge pull request #734 feature/573 into develop
ec60235e Merge pull request #730 feature/573 into develop
1c9315ad Merge pull request #725 feature/573 into develop
9d92b98a Merge pull request #722 feature/573 into develop
bf8b3f5c Merge pull request #717 feature/573 into develop
f818f46a Merge pull request #716 feature/573 into develop
6a257fa6 Merge pull request #715 feature/573 into develop
c24e194f Merge pull request #712 feature/573 into develop
89f821df Merge pull request #711 feature/573 into develop
c0803282 Merge pull request #710 feature/573 into develop
65dca36f Merge pull request #707 feature/573 into develop

Note : To display the merge commit in reverse order, you should

2. Copy the result to a file

Maybe I will save the file as list_commit.txt

3. Run the command below to cherry-pick each commit in that file

Run the shell script below to cherry-pick all commits in a file ( if there is any conflicts, the command will stop and you should resolve conflicts before continuing.)

#!/usr/bin/env bash


if [ "${LIST_FILE}" = "" ] ; then
  echo "Pleas give path to commit list file!"
  echo "Usage: cherry-pick-list <file/to/picklist>"
  exit 1

echo "Cherry-picking all commits from file ${LIST_FILE} ..."

for commit in $(cat "${LIST_FILE}") ; do
  hash=$(echo ${commit} | cut -d$'\t' -f 1)
  echo -n "cherry picking ${hash} ... "
  git cherry-pick -m 1 "${hash}"

  if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then
    echo "done."
    echo "There are conflicts to resolve!"
    read -p "Press [ENTER] key if you have resolved the conflicts and to continue ..."


echo "Maybe you want to rebase: git rebase -i HEAD~${COUNT}"

4. Referrals

