TIPS - How to install multiple PHP versions on Centos 7 and config PHP versions base on Directory

Khanh Nguyen • October 18, 2019


This blog post guide you around installing multiple versions of PHP on Amazon Linux

1. Install Multiple Versions of PHP

  1. Install PHP 5.6 and php56-fpm
$ sudo yum install php56 php56-fpm
  1. Install PHP 7.1 and php71-fpm
$ sudo yum install php71 php71-fpm

2. Install Apache fcgi modules

  1. Update your httpd first:
$ sudo yum update httpd
  1. Install fcgi modules

    1. The easy way:

    We just run this command

    $ sudo yum install mod_fcgid

    If your server can install the module as normal, then proceed to step 3. If not, you have to install mod_fcgi the hard way(from source).

    1. The hard way: 2.1 Download the latest tar ball from source

      $ cd /usr/local/src && wget

      2.2 Unzip

      $ tar -xzvf mod_fcgid-2.3.9.tar.gz

      2.3 Build it

      $ cd mod_fcgid-2.3.9
      $ ./configure.apxs

      If you get some error like me, congratulation, we have to fix somethings.

      ./configure.apxs must be able to find apxs in your path, or the environment variable APXS must provide the full path of APXS,
      or you may specify it with: APXS=/path/to/apxs ./configure.apxs

      You can refer to this link to get the apsx [link]()

    2. Config the build

      $ ./configure.apxs
      $ make
      $ make install

      You can check the result by calling phpinfo.

3. Config PHP-FPM listening ports

We have installed php71-fpm and php56-fpm, so the next step is to configure these tools to listen on different ports. Firstly, we will make php71-fpm listens on some port like 9071 and php56-fpm listens on port 9056. We will edit the file /etc/php-fpm-5.6.d/www.conf and add the row below

listen =

We have to rename the default php-fpm.conf file to another name (I don't know how to work around this problem yet.)

$ mv /etc/php-fpm.conf /etc/php-fpm.conf.backup

We then force these service to read from its own config file by uncomment these lines:

$ vim /etc/sysconfig/php-fpm-7.1

we uncomment this line #OPTIONS="-y /etc/php-fpm-7.3.conf"

The default listening ports is 9000 but it seems a little difficult to remember so I changed it to 9056 We do the same thing for php71-fpm and make it listens to port 9071. Then we will start both service by the comment below:

$ /etc/init.d/php-fpm-5.6 start
$ /etc/init.d/php-fpm-7.1 start

Mutliple php versions help us to check the consistency of our application. With the help of php-fpm we can test multiple versions on the same servers. My next post is showing how to use docker to complete this task and compare these two methods.