
September 5, 2019

TIL - Backup EC2 snapshot by using AWS DLM

Today I have been working with AWS and some serious trouble has been occurred since 2019.08.24. The AWS Data center has been outage for around 8 hours which brought all the servers in...


August 19, 2019

TIL - Automation cherry-picking process

Sometimes, I want to cherry-pick all merge-commit from a branch. For example, I have a feature that has been developing in feature/xxx and this branch has been merge to...


August 8, 2019

TIL - Rails server not start after turn off docker

Recently, I have a project which was build by Docker Rails Sidekiq (Job Scheduler) Redis (Cache server) MinIO (File storage) We use docker-compose up, but sometimes after I turn off...


July 13, 2019

What I read - Norwegian Wood

Thay đổi chủ đề một tí, trong những ngày mưa ẩm ương của tháng 7 này, mình bỗng nhiên muốn đọc một cái gì đó ma mị một tí, ít nhất là cũng man mác,...
